Tree growth data on four dominant Pinaceae species along a transect in Centra...
Tree cores and discs were collected during fieldwork in Yakutia in 2018 by scientists from Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and... -
DCCD - contribution Stichting Ring
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata of The Netherlands Centre for Dendrochronology (Ring Foundation). The data and metadata belong to: built heritage and... -
DCCD - contribution Tomasz Wazny
The dendrochrological dataset contains information from:- neighbouring sites Pomarzany and Pomorzanki, close to the geographical centre of Poland - 121 timbers;- Warszawa, Royal... -
DCCD - contribution Centre européen d'Archéométrie, Liège
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from archaeological and historical sites from 200BC-2000AD gathered by the European Center of Archeometry (University... -
In dit proefschrift komen diverse methoden en toepassingen van dendrochronologie aan de orde. Het eerste deel bevat een discussie over de gebruikte methoden, het tweede deel een... -
DCCD - contribution Wageningen University (WUR)
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from natural sites from The Netherlands collected by the Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR). You can... -
DCCD - contribution DendroNet
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from archaeological sites (500 BC to 500 AD) from the region Moselle in France gathered by organization DendroNet at... -
DCCD - contribution Erhard Pressler
Treering samples from the area of Drenthe in the Netherlands. See 'relations' for the DCCD website, the interactive digital archive of tree-ring data. -
DCCD - contribution Kristof Haneca (Ieper)
Deze bestanden bevatten jaarringreeksen (120 reeksen) en meta-data van archeologisch eikenhout, afkomstig van de middeleeuwse site ‘Verdronken weide’ te Ieper. De veldata... -
DCCD - contribution P. Fraiture (KIK_IRPA)
These files contain dendrochronological data and metadata from art historical material from the Middle Ages and Modern Times gathered by the laboratory of the University of... -
DCCD - contribution Kristof Haneca (Brabantine altarpieces)
Deze bestanden bevatten jaarringreeksen en meta-data van kunsthistorische objecten. Meer bepaald gaat het over dendrochronologische meetreeksen van 140 Brabantse... -
Data for "Spatiotemporal variability in precipitation-growth relations of Bet...
Data files and R code used to perform climate-growth analysis on tree rings of the Arctic dwarf shrub Betula nana sampled in topographically contrasting sites at the Kytalyk... -
Chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) as proxy for pyrite from a sediment core from...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present chromium-reducible sulfur... -
Chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) as proxy for pyrite from a sediment core from...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present chromium-reducible sulfur... -
Chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) as proxy for pyrite from a sediment core from...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present chromium-reducible sulfur... -
Chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) as proxy for pyrite from a sediment core from...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present chromium-reducible sulfur... -
ITRAX data from a sediment core from lower intertidal site T5-4 in the Gulf o...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present elemental analysis (ITRAX)... -
ITRAX data from a sediment core from upper intertidal site T5-2 in the Gulf o...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present elemental analysis (ITRAX)... -
ITRAX data from a sediment core from lower intertidal site T2-4 in the Gulf o...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present elemental analysis (ITRAX)... -
ITRAX data from a sediment core from upper intertidal site T2-2 in the Gulf o...
A massive mangrove tree dieback event occurred in 2015/2016 along ~1000 km of pristine coastline in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. We present elemental analysis (ITRAX)...