Finnish Perceptions of Justice: Citizens 2016
Tutkimuksessa kansalaisilta kysyttiin sopivaa rangaistusta erityyppisiin väkivalta-, seksuaali- ja omaisuusrikostapauksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös selvittää yleisen... -
Finnish Perceptions of Justice: Judges 2016
Tutkimuksessa käräjäoikeustuomareita pyydettiin määräämään erityyppisistä rikoksista vallitsevan oikeuskäytännön mukainen tuomio. Vastaajille kuvailtiin seitsemän erilaista... -
Kleinschnittger, J. (2024). The influence of offender nationality on individu...
The punishment of offenders is not only a matter for criminal courts. Rather, it is a highly political issue that is controversially discussed by the German society in media and... -
Criminal justice in Leiden, 1533-1838
This dataset contains three files on criminals and crimes in Leiden during the 1533-1838 period. Personal data of criminals and data on the type of offences and judgements... -
Criminal records of 's-Hertogenbosch and Meierij, ca. 1550-1803
The database contains data on committed crimes in 's-Hertogenbosch and Meierij from 1550-1803. Extracts have been made of criminal records from the archive of the 'Bossche... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: Public support for vigilantism - Pilot: type of ...
These data were collected as part of a pilot study: testing the material prior to the CentERdata study on public support for vigilantism. The theoretical framework of this study... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: Public support for vigilantism - Seriousness of ...
These data were collected for the first study on public support for vigilantism. The data collection was carried out by Leiden University criminology students, for the 'Research... -
Criminal justice and criminality in Amsterdam, 1680-1810
The dataset contains different categories of offences, crimes and sentences of criminals in Amsterdam during the 1680-1810 period. -
Punishments in Amsterdam, 1650-1750
The dataset includes information on public punishments and executions. Includes data on prisoners' birthplace, age, sex, occupation, type of punishment, and the number of... -
Hof van Holland, 1457-1466
Database containing information about lawsuits at the "Hof van Holland" during the period 1457 until 1466. During the ESF classes of 1999 Nienke Witmond and Arno Luyendijk... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: Public support for vigilantism - Amount of vigil...
These data were collected for the second study on public support for vigilantism. The data collection was carried out by Leiden University criminology students, for the... -
History of criminal justice in the Netherlands, 17th-19th centuries
This dataset contains data on criminality in several places in the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century. It gives an insight into the criminal...