Een (zorg) ethische analyse van de COVID-19 beleidskeuzes
Het project Zorgzaam uit de crisis liep van september 2020 tot en met september 2022 en beoogde een zorgethische analyse van de normatieve uitgangspunten van het... -
VaxPac Podcast Episode
UCL medical student interview of VaxPac Study findings on how parents with young children make vaccine decisions for their children. -
VaxPac Study: UK Report
The VaxPac Study aims to understand the decisions and reasons behind vaccine acceptance and hesitancy of parents with children under age 18 in the UK and Japan. This is a... -
The conversation we need to have now: Education, Resilience & Mental Health
The impact of COVID-19 on mental health continues to be felt around the world as new variants continue to be found despite vaccine rollout programs beginning to show early signs...