4 datasets found

Keywords: corpus search engine

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  • PELCRA for National Corpus of Polish Search Engine 2

    The PELCRA for NKJP search engine 2 provides access to the full National Corpus of Polish dataset (over 1.5 billion word tokens). In addition to linguistically motivated corpus...
  • Paralela corpus and search engine

    Paralela is as an open-ended, opportunistic parallel corpus of Polish-English and English-Polish translations. It currently contains 262 million words in 10,877,000 translation...
  • Spokes search engine for Polish conversational data

    Spokes is an online service for conversational corpus data search and exploration as part of the Polish CLARIN infrastructure. The underlying corpus contains more than 2 million...
  • SlopeQ for BNC Search Engine

    The SlopeQ for BNC Search Engine provides access to the British National Corpus dataset. In addition to linguistically motivated corpus queries, it supports a number of data...
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