Disentangling real space fluctuations: the diagnostics of metal-insulator tra...
With this data set we provide all relevant raw data for the analyses provided in arXiv:2501.18325 via HDF5 files. The file names contain first the method (either CDMFT or the... -
Terahertz cyclotron emission from two-dimensional Dirac fermions
Data associated to the following publication: Gebert, S., Consejo, C., Krishtopenko, S.S. et al. Terahertz cyclotron emission from two-dimensional Dirac fermions. Nat. Photon.... -
Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions of holes in a semiconductor
A central goal of condensed matter physics is to understand the rich and diverse electronic and optical properties that emerge as wavelike electrons move through the... -
Long-range current-induced spin accumulation in chiral crystals
Chiral materials, similarly to human hands, have distinguishable right-handed and left-handed enantiomers which may behave differently in response to external stimuli. Here, we...