RESPONSE: Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning about Disaster Management
This dataset contains 1789 data instances with problem identification, missing resource, time-dependent questions and answers pairs for disaster management. -
Choice of plausible alternatives dataset in Macedonian COPA-MK
The COPA-MK dataset (Choice of plausible alternatives in Macedonian) is a translation of the English COPA dataset (https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/copa.html) by following the... -
Choice of plausible alternatives dataset in Serbian COPA-SR
The COPA-SR dataset (Choice of plausible alternatives in Serbian) is a translation of the English COPA dataset (https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/copa.html) by following the... -
Choice of plausible alternatives dataset in Croatian COPA-HR
The COPA-HR dataset (Choice of plausible alternatives in Croatian) is a translation of the English COPA dataset (https://people.ict.usc.edu/~gordon/copa.html) by following the... -
Slovene Translation of the Atomic 2020 data set SloATOMIC 2020
The SloATOMIC 2020 corpus contains the Slovene translations of the ATOMIC 2020 data set, a commonsense knowledge graph with 1.33M everyday inferential knowledge tuples about... -
Slovenian commonsense reasoning model SloMET-ATOMIC 2020
The SloMET-ATOMIC 2020 is a Slovene commonsense reasoning model that is able to predict commonsense descriptions in a natural language for a given input sentence. The model is...