Datasets covering comparison of tablets versus paper-based tests for young ch...
Tablets can be used to facilitate systematic testing of academic skills. Yet, when using validated paper tests on tablet, comparability between the mediums must be established.... -
Data for publication "Empirical Evidence for Concepts of Spatial Information ...
Materials related to the data presented in the publication titled "Empirical Evidence for Concepts of Spatial Information as Cognitive Means for Interpreting and Using Maps".... -
IMpACT1-NL Understanding adult ADHD - Neuropsychological and psychiatric asse...
International Multi-center persistent ADHD Collaboration (IMpACT). This is the first study of the Dutch node of the IMpACT consortium. Participants were Dutch adults with ADHD... -
IMpACT2-NL Understanding adult ADHD - Neuropsychological and psychiatric ass...
International Multi-center persistent ADHD Collaboration (IMpACT). This is the second study of the Dutch node of the IMpACT consortium. Participants were Dutch adults with ADHD... -
Replication data: Challenges and benefits of including the institutionalized,...
+++++++++++++++ Version 1.0.0 of the study is outdated and therefore not available any longer . Please use the revised version 2.0.0 here . +++++++++++++++... -
Replication data: Challenges and benefits of including institutionalized, cog...
Institutionalization, cognitive impairment, and the inability to conduct an interview due to health impairment are among the top exclusion criteria for most large-scale social... -
Jeu de données plan de relance ANR Optimyss
Aging represents a natural and unavoidable phenomenon in organisms. With the acceleration of population aging, investigations into aging have garnered widespread global... -
Dataset relaterat till processövervakning och tillståndsövervakning av en lag...
In the article (Ahmer, M., Sandin, F., Marklund, P. et al., 2022), we have investigated the effective use of sensors in a bearing ring grinder for failure classification in the... -
Grisars doftundersökningsbeteende - data från del 1 av projekt "Lukta på det ...
These studies are connected to the first part in a larger project called "Smell This". Study 1 aimed to a) identify which non-social odors pigs were able to detect and... -
Tvättbeteende i Sverige
Data concerning Swedish domestic laundering behaviours. Includes SPSS-files from two larger surveys, in addition to transcripts from four chat interviews. All data and metadata... -
Domestic hens succeeded at serial reversal learning and concept generalizatio...
The data corresponds to cognitive performances of a small group of individuals (Gallus gallus domesticus) in two tasks: a short serial reversal learning task, and an identity... -
IMpACT1-NL Understanding adult ADHD - Neuropsychological and psychiatric asse...
International Multi-center persistent ADHD Collaboration (IMpACT). This is the first study of the Dutch node of the IMpACT consortium. Participants were Dutch adults with ADHD... -
Data for publication "Empirical Evidence for Concepts of Spatial Information ...
Materials related to the data presented in the publication titled "Empirical Evidence for Concepts of Spatial Information as Cognitive Means for Interpreting and Using Maps"....