Bioassays quantifying the lytic capabilities of various concentrations of gon...
The cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina was subjected to various concentrations of goniodomin congeners (GDA, GDB, GDC, GDA-seco acid) for 3, 24 or 48 h. Then, the percentage of... -
Bioassays quantifying the lytic capabilities of supernatants from Alexandrium...
The cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina was subjected to various concentrations of supernatants of Alexandrium (A. pseudogonyaulax, A. monilatum) for 3 or 24 h. Then, the percentage... -
Hydrography, biogeochemistry, microbial population, growth and substrate dyna...
Data presented here were collected during the two cruises SO248 and SO254 with RV SONNE in the Pacific Ocean at 25 stations along a transect closely following 180° longitude E/W... -
Single prokaryotic cell abundances of the Northeast Greenland (NEG) shelf sed...
Samples for single cell abundances as an estimate for the abundance of benthic bacteria on the Northeast Greenland shelf have been collected with R/V Polarstern during PS109... -
Abundance and calculated biomass of summer blooms from diatom-diazotroph asse...
Richelia counts are derived from host diatom cell counts: assuming each host Hemiaulus contains 2 Richelia trichomes and each Rhizosolenia contains 5 Richelia trichomes. Also... -
Abundance and calculated biomass of diazotrophs and their nitrogen fixation i...
Richelia reported as number of heterocysts, converted to number of cells on 1:5 basis. -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Richelia, in association with diatoms, in...
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Global distributions of diazotrophs abundance and biomass - Depth integrated ...
The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global... -
Total cell count per mL for Raphidocelis subcapitata in all 5 mediums from da...
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Total cell count per mL for Desmodesmus subspicatus in all 5 mediums from day...
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Microbial abundances in coral reef sediments at CO2 vents off Papua-New Guine...
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Environmental parameters of iron-enriched sediments at LTER HAUSGARTEN during...
Impact of Local Iron Enrichment on the Small Benthic Biota in the deep Arctic Ocean The study assesses the impact of local iron enrichment on the small benthic biota (bacteria,... -
Abundance of Prokaryotes in deep-sea sediments analyzed by CARD-FISH
We fixed 0.5 g aliquots of sediment with a 4% formaldehyde solution for 2-4 h, washed the fixed sediments three times with 1x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), before storing... -
Abundance and calculated biomass of the endosymbiotic, nitrogen-fixing cyanob...
Richelia reported as heterocyst density, converted to cell density on 1:5 basis. -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Richelia and Calothrix
Richelia reported as heterocyst density, converted to cell density on 1:5 basis. -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Richelia and Calothrix
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Abundance and calculated biomass of Trichodesmium and diazotrophic diatoms in...
Richelia counts are derived from Rhizosolenia cell counts: assuming each Rhizosolenia cell contains 5 Richelia trichomes and each Richelia trichome contains 5 cells. -
Abundance and calculated biomass of Richelia and Calothrix
Richelia counts are derived from host diatom cell counts: assuming each host Chaetoceros contains 0.5 Richelia trichomes, each Hemiaulus contains 2 Richelia trichomes and each... -
Abundance and calculated biomass of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium spp. in ...
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Abundance and calculated biomass of the cyanobacterium Richelia intracellular...
Richelia counts are derived from host diatom cell counts: assuming each host Chaetoceros contains 0.5 Richelia trichomes, each Hemiaulus contains 2 Richelia trichomes and each...