DNA extraction comparison testing 2019-2020
Our DNA extraction protocol is years old, and we want to compare new extraction methods to address outstanding issues. For more details, check out the motivation and... -
Renovatie voor wie? 1976
Housing / moving / opinion on neighbourhood / reasons for leaving / staying or coming / renovation according own wishes / opinion on rent / judgement of house and neighbourhood... -
Gentrification, inhabitants of expensive dwellings in Amsterdam and The Hague...
Description of inhabitants of expensive, centrally located houses in Amsterdam and The Hague. Reasons for popularity of these kinds of houses / type of house: monument, nr. of... -
Wonen en woonproblemen in Den Haag 1972
Housing conditions / satisfaction with housing conditions / facilities around the house / social contacts / renovation of house / intentions to move / temporary housing in case... -
Renovatie en bewoners 1976
What happened to the original inhabitants of some urban renewal projects in Amsterdam? What happened to tenants ( staying or leaving ) of redevelopment projects in Amsterdam /... -
Kwaliteit stedelijk leefmilieu 1980-1982
Establishing the preferences, evaluations and reactions on shortcomings regarding the quality of the urban environment of the inhabitants of 3 urban regions / family situation /... -
Buurtsamenstelling en woontevredenheid 1990-1993
This survey is about the relation between social homogeneity of the neighbourhood and the level of satisfaction with housing situation of the local residents. Both... -
Stadspanel Delft 1996 - VSO
Opinion of the inhabitants of Delft about various aspects of the municipal policy and facilities, and about living and working in Delft Mobility: frequency of using a bicycle,... -
Arbeidsmarktgedrag van bouwvakarbeiders en schilders 1976
Study to get insight into behaviour of building-trade workers and painters at the labour market. Career in building trade / motivations for occupational choice / previous... -
Bestemming huis van bewaring Amsterdam 1979
Results of participation in finding new destination for former prison in centre of Amsterdam / opinion on building variants, on destination, on starting points proposed by... -
Warmte-isolatie van woningen 1980-1982/1982-1984 : Continu onderzoek
To collect information about the state of isolation of houses in the Netherlands. Detailed information on house/ ( preferred ) isolation/ occupant and owner of house/ financial... -
Experimenteren in de woningbouw II 1975-1977
Housing experiments evaluation / motivation / identification / satisfaction / experimental features / surroundings / neighbours. Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Uitplaatsing bij sanering 1972-1973
Study of experiences of people who had to leave their original houses during the process of reconstruction. Details and evaluation of former house, former neighbourhood, former... -
Verval in buurten 1975
Kind of house / amount of years living there / former house / reasons for moving to present house / monthly rent / opinion of different aspects of house / contentment with... -
Woonsatisfactie in nieuwbouwwijken 1977-1981
Evaluation of the extent to which behaviour and characteristics of inhabitants of new building sites match desires expressed in government policy. Moving motives, alternatives... -
Vrijwillige vervroegde uittreding in de havens van Amsterdam en Rotterdam 197...
Giving information for government policy on the subject of voluntarily accelerated retirement. Sector of economy: harbours / voluntarily accelerated retirement / personal... -
Woonervaringen in Almere-Haven 1980
Evaluation of living in Almere-haven / evaluation of previous residence / reasons for moving / evaluation of: house, neighbourhood / social contacts within Almere-haven and... -
Kinetics of surfactant multilayer formation / dissolution at interfaces
The formation of multilayer structures at surfaces and interfaces from self-assembly in mixed surfactant and in polymer / surfactant mixtures has been recently reported, and... -
Structural comparison of peptidomimetic building blocks
Peptidomimetics are synthetic mimics of peptides, the natural building blocks of proteins, and their development is a growing field of science. An underlying theme in recent... -
Crystal structures of methanol mono-ammoniate (CD3OD.ND3) and methanol hemi-a...
Mixtures of methanol with water and ammonia dominate the chemistry of cometary bodies, leftovers of the building blocks of the outer planets. We have previously determined the...