KOSMOS 2018 Gran Canaria mesocosm study on artificial upwelling: mesozooplank...
Mesozooplankton (mesoZP) per capita mass, elemental composition and stable N isotopes during the mesocosm experiment in the Canary Islands in autumn 2018. Depth-integrated (0-14... -
KOSMOS mesocosm experiment Gran Canaria 2019 on testing the effect of nutrien...
Mesozooplankton (mesoZP) per capita mass, elemental composition and stable N isotopes during the mesocosm experiment in the Canary Islands in autumn 2019. Depth-integrated... -
Elemental and biochemical contents of the copepod Temora longicornis
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Grazing rates of Temora longicornis under different nutrient regimes
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Somatic growth rates of Temora longicornis under different nutrient regimes
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Egg production rates of Temora longicornis under different nutrient regimes
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Carbon and nitrogen contents of Temora longicornis under different nutrient r...
* PLEASE NOTE * The Date/Time in this dataset is wrong in parts, please refer to the updated Version, see "Replaced by" reference. -
Carbon and nitrogen contents of Temora longicornis under different nutrient r...
Date/Time corrected compared to V1.