UNDPOLAR survey on threats, identities, and political polarization
This survey in nine European countries was intended to investigate the relations between threats, identities, and political polarisation. Data was collected using online... -
Expert Judgement Survey of European Political Parties 2010
The Expert Judgement Survey for European Political Parties is a data set consisting of scores of various characteristics of political parties given by political scientists and... -
Data for: An English-Language Adaptation of the Authoritarianism Short Scale ...
- quota samples that reflect the heterogeneity of the adult population with regard to age, gender, and educational attainment Self-administered... -
Justifications of Repressive Incidents in Morocco and Tunisia Dataset (JuRI)
The dataset is part of a project to investigate justifications of repression in North African autocracies. It was set up to answer the question to what extent and how repressive... -
Friends and Foes: the instrumentalisation of Israel and Iran in the Maghreb
The research data described below was collected as part of the SWP study "Friends and Foes: the instrumentalisation of Israel and Iran in the Maghreb". The period of qualitative... -
Menschen in Deutschland: International (MiDInt). Untersuchungsdesign, Stichpr...
Die Studie, „Menschen in Deutschland: International“ (MiDInt) verfolgt das Ziel, die Relevanz internationaler Ereignisse, politischer Entscheidungen und Krisen...