Calibration of the virial factor f in SMBHs
Using a compiled sample of 34 broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with measured H{beta} time lags from the reverberation mapping (RM) method and measured bulge stellar... -
Spectropolarimetry of active galaxy 3C 390.3
Here we present the spectropolarimetric observations of the radio-loud active galaxy 3C 390.3 in the period 2009-2014 (24 epochs). The galaxy has been observed with the 6-m... -
Spectral Investigation of NGC 7469
This investigation is mainly related to hydrogen lines in the spectrum of NGC 7469 from the 1972-1990 data obtained using an image tube on the 2.6-m telescope of the Crimean... -
H{gamma} & H{delta} absorption features
The H{gamma} and H{delta} absorption features are measured in a sample of 455 (out of an original 460) Lick IDS stars with pseudo-equivalent width indices. For each Balmer... -
Broad H{beta} emission line in 102 Seyfert galaxies
A sample of 102 local (0.02=<z=<0.1) Seyfert galaxies with black hole masses M_BH_>10^7^M_{sun} was selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and observed using... -
SDSS quasars Balmer emission lines
A small fraction of quasars have long been known to show bulk velocity offsets (of a few hundred to thousands of km/s) in the broad Balmer lines with respect to the systemic... -
Spectroscopy of 299 galaxies from NewHa survey
Using a sample of 299 H{alpha}-selected galaxies at z~~0.8, we study the relationship between galaxy stellar mass, gas-phase metallicity, and star formation rate (SFR), and... -
Kappa Dra
(no description available) -
Extreme emission line galaxies in J-PLUS
We searched for extreme emission line galaxies (EELGs) in the J-PLUS multiband survey (Cenarro et al., 2019A&A...622A.176C). We selected them by their excess of flux in the... -
Quiescent CV TUVO-21acq SALT spectrum
We present the discovery of TUVO-21acq, a new transient which we detected in the UV using data from the UVOT aboard Swift. We detected two separate outbursts and used the UVOT... -
Search for flares and CMEs in SDSS data
This work aims to detect and classify stellar flares and potential stellar coronal mass ejection (CME) signatures in optical spectra provided by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey... -
Radial-velocity of CARMENES M dwarfs
Previous simulations predicted the activity-induced radial-velocity (RV) variations of M dwarfs to range from ~1cm/s to ~1km/s, depending on various stellar and activity... -
The LickX Spectra library
Collections of stellar spectra, often called stellar libraries, are useful in a variety of applications in the field of stellar populations. This is an attempt to improve the... -
Study of EDisCS galaxy clusters
We investigate the role of environment on star formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies at various cosmic densities in well-studied clusters. We present the star-forming main sequence... -
Study of NGC 300 objects with dendogram
Integral field units enable resolved studies of a large number of star-forming regions across entire nearby galaxies, providing insight on the conversion of gas into stars and... -
Hydrogen Lyman and Balmer line profiles
We present new calculations of unified line profiles for hydrogen perturbed by collisions with protons. We report on new calculations of the potential energies and dipole... -
DustPedia metallicities and HI masses
Observations of evolution in the dust-to-metal ratio allow to constrain the dominant dust processing mechanisms. In this work, we present a study of the dust-to-metal and... -
Diffuse ionized gas in the Antennae galaxy
The Antennae galaxy (NGC 4038/39) is the closest major interacting galaxy system and is therefore often studied as a merger prototype. We present the first comprehensive... -
Balmer Lines Photometric Data
The purpose of the catalogue is to collect the photometric determination of the Balmer line-strength. Eleven different systems, including the measurements of one or more lines,... -
CHIANTI Lines in LineTAP
CHIANTI consists of a critically evaluated set of up-to-date atomic data and derived spectral lines. At http://www.chiantidatabase.org/, many tools for this data set are...