Cognitive mechanisms of aversive prediction error-induced memory enhancements
While prediction errors (PEs) have long been recognized as critical in associative learning, emerging evidence indicates their significant role in episodic memory formation.... -
Behavioral and Eye-tracking Data for "Individual differences in belief updati...
This dataset contains data for: Murphy PR, Krkovic K, Monov G, Kudlek N, Lincoln, T & Donner TH (2024). Individual differences in belief updating and phasic... -
Cognitive mechanisms of aversive prediction error-induced memory enhancements
While prediction errors (PEs) have long been recognized as critical in associative learning, emerging evidence indicates their significant role in episodic memory formation.... -
Pupil size reflects activation of subcortical ascending arousal system nuclei...
Materials and links to raw data/code files (see readme) supporting paper "Pupil size reflects activation of subcortical ascending arousal system nuclei during rest". -
Effects of exploring a novel environment on memory across the lifespan
The current dataset includes the experimental data for this article, including rating scales (happiness; arousal), memory data (free recall and corrected hit rate), landmark...