Contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 samples from Canadian gr...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 groundwater samples... -
Water chemistry of unfiltered groundwater samples from the Fennoscandian Shie...
Copious amounts of organic carbon are stored for long periods of time in deep continental groundwaters. Little is known about its composition and cycling, mainly due to the... -
Dissolved organic matter composition in the Fennoscandian Shield deep terrest...
Copious amounts of organic carbon are stored for long periods of time in deep continental groundwaters. Little is known about its composition and cycling, mainly due to the... -
Continental deep subsurface Targeted Locus (Loci)
In an effort to better understand the biogeochemistry of deep terrestrial habitats, a holistic evaluation of chemolithoautotrophic microbial metabolisms in the Sanford... -
LABs polluted groundwater Metagenome
Metagenome of a LABs polluted groundwater -
Microscopic images of 45 groundwater samples from Canadian Prairie groundwate...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m... -
Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Community Patterns
Characterizing the temporal variation of microbial community is essential to better understand the biogeochemical cycles in groundwater systems. -
Microbial oxygen consumption from Canadian Prairie groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. This dataset contains values and calculations to estimate microbial oxygen consumption in groundwater... -
Hydrogen and dark oxygen drive microbial productivity in diverse groundwater ...
Around 50% of humankind relies on groundwater aquifers as a source of drinking water. We investigated the age, geochemistry, and microbiology of 138 groundwaters from 87... -
Relative abundances of bacterial amplicon sequence variants (ASV) from Canadi...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m... -
Bacterial diversity of Canadian Prairie groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of groundwater samples from various monitoring wells (<250m... -
Archaeal diversity of Canadian Prairie groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of groundwater samples from various monitoring wells (<250m... -
Microbial cell counts from Canadian Prairie groundwater ecosystems
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated the total microbial cell counts of 78 groundwater samples from aquifers in... -
Relative abundances of archaeal amplicon sequence variants (ASV) from Canadia...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m... -
Nucleotide sequences of bacterial amplicon sequence variants (ASV) from Canad...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m... -
Nucleotide sequences of archaeal amplicon sequence variants (ASV) from Canadi...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We investigated the microbiology of >100 groundwater samples from 90 monitoring wells (<250m... -
Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon and IPL-derived fat...
This dataset has no description
Concentrations of IPL-derived fatty acids and phytane in lipid extracts obtai...
This dataset has no description
Concentrations, fractional abundance, and characteristics of intact polar lip...
This dataset has no description
Concentrations, fractional abundance, and characteristics of intact polar lip...
This dataset has no description