A database of enhanced-gravity analogue models examining the influence of pre...
This dataset shows the original data of a series of enhanced-gravity (centrifuge) analogue models, which were performed to test the influence of the pre-existing fabrics in the... -
A database of analogue models testing the interaction between magmatic intrus...
This dataset presents the raw data from one experimental series (named CCEX, i.e., Caldera Collapse under regional Extension) of analogue models performed to investigate the... -
A database of caldera collapse analogue models stretched under extensional co...
This dataset presents the raw data from one experimental series (named CCEX, i.e., Caldera Collapse under regional Extension) of analogue models performed to investigate the... -
Laboratory model data from experiments on fragmenting analogue rock avalanches
This data set includes various laboratory model data derived from analogue rock avalanche experiments on the role of fragmentation on runout behavior. Detailed descriptions of... -
Supplementary material for analogue experiments on the interactions of two in...
This data publication includes animations and figures of eight scaled analogue models that are used to investigate the evolution of a curved mountain belt akin to the Pamir and... -
Supplement to: Scaling the Sand Box - Mechanical (Dis-) Similarities of Granu...
The dataset presented here contains the results of mechanical testing of two granular materials (quartz sand and glass micro beads) that are commonly used in analogue tectonic...