Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlant...
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Data span the last 25 ka BP, comprise benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb),... -
New benthic foraminifera stable isotopes from IODP Site 303-U1302
New benthic foraminifera stable isotope data from Site IODP U1302. The data range from core top to the LGM (~ 22 ka BP at 3.73 metres composite depth). Benthic foraminifera from... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of planktonic and benthic foraminifer...
This dataset has no description
(Appendix A) Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from IOD...
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Oxygen isotope ratios measured on benthic foraminifera of IODP Site 306-U1313...
This dataset lists the oxygen isotope ratios used to update the age model of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1313 (41°N, 33°W, 3426 m water depth, Expedition 306) for... -
(Data Set S1) Compiled benthic foraminiferal stable isotopic values
d13C_adj: carbon isotopic value adjusted to Cibicidoides equivalent.d18O_adj: oxygen isotopic value adjusted to Cibicidoides equivalent. -
Monospecific benthic δ18O data from Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge durin...
This dataset contains monospecific benthic δ18O data from cores that form depth transects at Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge. Data is from either the Mid-Holocene or LGM and... -
Ice volume corrected δ¹⁸O of N.Pach (sin), sediment core MD99-2284, Faroe-She...
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Ice volume corrected δ¹⁸O of N.Pach (sin), sediment core PSh-5157, SW Barents...
This dataset has no description
(Table S1) Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of benthic foraminifera of...
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Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera and ages determinatio...
Laboratory: Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from sediment core GI...
Laboratory: Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel -
Stable isotope data of the orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus from sampl...
Maturation stage is listed in the paper: Lipinski MR, Underhill LG. Sexual maturation in squid: quantum or continuum? South African J Mar Sci. 1995; 15: 207-223.... -
Stable isotopes of foraminifera from sediment core PS62/015-3
Laboratory: Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel, Germany -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from sediment core PS...
Laboratory: Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel, Germany -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from sediment core PS...
Laboratory: Leibniz-Labor, University of Kiel, Germany -
Lacustrine diatom oxygen isotopes as palaeo precipitation proxy of sediment c...
The dataset comprises the main geochemical characteristics of purified lake sediment samples from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye, in the Polar Ural based on EDS and stable isotope... -
Stable isotopes of sediment core PS62/015-3
Laboratory: Leibniz Labor, University of Kiel, Germany -
Stable carbon isotopes of sediment core M78/1-235-1
This dataset has no description
Revised composite isotope for the late Pliocene composite section from ODP Ho...
lkenone biomarker unsaturation estimates (Uk37) and inferred sea surface temperature estimates obtained for the mid to late Pliocene section at ODP Site 138-850.