Sample composition from XRD measurements
Quantities are listed for minerals or mineral groups present in at least 5% abundance for at least one sample. -
X-ray diffraction analysis of sediments of IODP Hole 302-M0002A
Results of X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of mineral phases based on the full-pattern method QUAX (Vogt, C., Lauterjung, J. and Fischer, R.X., 2002. Investigation... -
Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-283A
This dataset has no description
Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-283
This dataset has no description
Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-282
This dataset has no description
Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-280A
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Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-279A
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Smear slide analysis of Hole 29-275
This dataset has no description
X-Ray diffraction measurements on core samples from IODP Hole 370-C0023A
This dataset has no description
Publication data for: "Hydronium Ion and Water Complexes vs. Methanol on Soli...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from C1 - Dyballa group. Containing MAS NMR, N2 physisorption and XRD data. The NMR data (.dx file) can be... -
Publication data of Dyballa group for: "Introducing a Novel Method for Probin...
Primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Dyballa group can be found here. This comprises MAS-NMR,... -
Publication data for: "Confinement and surface sites control methanol adsorba...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from C1 group. Containing MAS NMR and IR data. NMR data (.dx-file) can be opened with Topspin. -
Publication data for: "The alumination mechanism of porous silica materials a...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article "The alumination mechanism of porous silica materials and properties of derived ion exchangers and acid... -
Mineral content of several samples
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Results of bulk sediment X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of min...
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Light minerals auf two differerent fraction from permafrost deposits of the B...
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Mineralogical assemblage possible source area samples
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Mineralogical assemblage in sediment core GeoB12309-5 (5cm resolution)
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Mineralogical assemblage in sediment core GeoB12309-5 (laminae resolution)
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(Appendix 4) Mineral content from different oceanographic settings
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