Xiphophorus Map
Mammalian karyotypes vary wildly in haploid number (e.g., 3-40 in deer) compared to stability in teleost fish (24-25 in 58% of teleosts), but we don’t understand the mechanisms... -
Complex hybridization between deeply diverged fish species in a disturbed eco...
Sequence read data for Xiphophorus variatus, natural hybrids between X. birchmanni and X. malinche, and natural hybrids between X. variatus, X. birchmanni, and X. malinche -
Xiphophorus Transcriptome or Gene expression
Sexual selection results in sex-specific characters like the conspicuously pigmented extension of the ventral tip of the caudal fin - the 'sword' - in males of several species... -
Heterologous transition and the evolution of a new sex chromosome in swordtai...
In a more than 30 year evolutionary experiment we tested the genomic consequences of hybridisation and selection between fish with different sex chromosome systems. This...