coastDat WAM CMIP5 wave transient scenarios for the North and Baltic Sea for ...
These are the wind wave transient scenarios for the North Sea and Baltic Sea for the period 1961-2006 (historical) and 2006-2100 (future). Atmospheric forcing originates from... -
coastDat-3 WAM wave hindcast for the period 1948 - 2021 covering the North an...
This is a wave hindcast for the period 1948 - 2021 covering the North and Baltic Sea. The simulation has been performed with the spectral wave model WAM Version 4.6.2. The model... -
coastDat-3 WAM wave hindcast for the period 1995 - 2018 covering the North an...
This is a wave hindcast for the period 1995 - 2018 covering the North and Baltic Sea. The simulation has been performed with the spectral wave model WAM Version 4.6.2. The model... -
coastDat-2 North Sea wave hindcast for the period 1949-2014 performed with th...
This is a North Sea wave hindcast for the period 1949-2014. The simulation has been performed with the wave model WAM Version 4.5.4. The model domain covers the area from 51N to... -
Data and code for the article "Event-based wave statistics for the Baltic Sea...
This dataset gives information about modelled significant wave height events exceeding 2.5 m, 4 m and 7 m over the Baltic Sea. The maximum value of significant wave height of...