Analiza stanja psihosocialnih tveganj na delovnih mestih v mikro, malih in sr...
Raziskava predstavlja kvantitativen del metodološkega pristopa večje raziskovalne študije, v okviru katere so se izvajale tudi fokusne skupine in poglobljeni intervjuji.... -
Pictures of young caring
The aim of the study is to use photographic participation and elicitation methods with vulnerable children who help to provide informal care for parents with serious mental... -
Growing up on the Streets: Research with and for young people on the streets,...
'Growing up on the streets' was a qualitative, longitudinal, participatory research project following the lives of street children and youth as they grow up on the streets of... -
Access to Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Consumer Vul...
The data provided are the transcripts of interviews held with NGOs, Ombudsman, energy companies, academics, regulators, and consumers in the UK, Catalonia, Bulgaria, Italy and... -
How Chief Police Officers and Senior Leaders from Other Institutions in the P...
The data deposited includes transcripts of six interviews with three chief police officers and three very senior leaders from other institutions in the wider policing landscape....