Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) paleo-dust record
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Pre-industrial Holocene (pi-HOL) paleo-dust record
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Last Glacial Maximum seawater temperature estimates based on planktonic foram...
Estimates of Last Glacial Maximum annual mean seawater temperatures at 50 m depth. The temperature estimates are derived using the Modern Analogue Technique using the ForCenS... -
Annual SST estimates from the late Marine Isotope Stage 6 (140-135 kyr) and c...
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Maximum annual SST estimates during the early LIG (129-124 ka; 189 sites)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
Trace element to calcium ratios and hydrological data for Trilobatus sacculif...
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Trace element to calcium ratios and hydrological data for Globigerinoides rub...
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SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP) during the months of ...
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP) during the months of ...
Note, that we have assumed a thermal equator of 5 degrees North, where sites above this latitude 'Summer' = JJA, and 'Winter' = DJF. Sites south of this line have 'Summer'... -
Annual SST estimates for the Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP)
Drift correction has not been applied to the two coral sites!Drift correction could not be applied to four sites in a land box when located using OFES. -
(Table S1) Modern calibration environmental variables and coretop diatom spec...
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(Table S1, Figure 2) Sedimentation rates for 108 sediment core sites during t...
The SR errors in Fig.2 are given by the averaged values of 'Error [+, 97.5%]' and 'Error [-, 2.5%]'.The calculation focused on 19-21 ka since the age model did not cover the... -
Distribution of planktic foraminifera in surface sediments in the northeaster...
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(Table S1) Planktonic foraminifera abundances for the 1223 surface sediment s...
Our training set (SH0911C2, available from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/paleo.html) augments that used by Crundwell el al . [2008, Figure 2] with additional data from Mohtadi... -
Total organic carbon content in surface sediments, a compilation from differe...
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(Table 2) Size of several planktic foraminifer species in surface sediments
An extended version of this table is availabel via the URL given as data detail -
(Table 1) Size of planktic foraminifers in surface sediments
An extended version of this table is availabel via the URL given as data detail -
Distribution of planktic foraminifera in surface sediments of the Atlantic Oc...
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Sedimentation rates calculated for different sites in the South Atlantic
Holocene sedimentation rate -
Calcium carbonate and aragonite of surface sediments
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