Alla Nya Diabetiker i Skåne - ANDIS
ANDIS is a combined research and quality assurance project with the long term aim of introducing precision medicine in diabetes. In connection with a visit to your doctor or... -
Omgivningsfaktorers betydelse för uppkomst av diabetes hos barn - TEDDY: urva...
Umbilical cord blood was taken from 48000 new born children in the county of Skåne in order to determine the risk of hereditary type 1 diabetes. Of the screened children 7,4%... -
Omgivningsfaktorers betydelse för uppkomst av diabetes hos barn - TEDDY: uppf...
Umbilical cord blood was taken from 48000 new born children in the county of Skåne in order to determine the risk of hereditary type 1 diabetes. Of the screened children 7,4%... -
DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: urvalsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be... -
DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: uppföljningsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: diabetesord
Swedish - Finnish glossary with words relating to diabetes. Contains approximately 180 entries. Published in Kieliviesti 4/2001. 2001. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med ord som...