Diatoms and silicoflagellates abundances in the sediment core A12-4 from Amur...
Diatoms and silicoflagellates from sediments in Amur Bay (Japan Sea) were analyzed with high temporal resolution to examine changes over the last 150 years. The age of sediments... -
Nonmarine diatom counts for IODP Hole 381-M0080A
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Biological indicator records (diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, freshwater inverteb...
Here, we present diatom (Bacillariophyceae), chrysophyte (Chrysophyceae), and zoological indicator (Chironomidae, other aquatic insect, planktonic crustaceans, Bryozoa,... -
Diatom assemblages of 90 Urals lakes
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Southern and Middle Urals lakes diatom abundance
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Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minneso...
Diatom biovolume measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minnesota...
Diatom density measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from Pokegama Bay, St. Louis River, Minnesota,...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis Rive...
Diatoms biovolume was measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis River,...
Diatom density was measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from north of Clough Island, St. Louis River, ...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment core from Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River, Minn...
Diatom biovolume per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment core from Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River, Minnes...
Diatom density per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core from Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River, Minneso...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom biovolume in sediment cores from Billings Park Bay, St. Louis River, M...
Diatom biovolume measured per dry weight of sediment. Additional data on relative biovolume and biovolume accumulation rates can be found under "Further details". -
Diatom density in sediment cores from Billings Park Bay, St. Louis River, Min...
Diatom density measured per dry weight of sediment. -
Diatom counts in sediment core Billings Park Bay, St. Louis River, Minnesota,...
Additional data on relative abundance and cells accumulation rates of diatoms can be found under "Further details". -
(Table 2) Species composition of algae and cyanobacteria encountered in plank...
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