Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia, Plot data base
The variable Site was used internally to refer to the plots. It is often, but not always identical to the event name. The variable Expedition refers to the name of the field... -
Stone pine cone production in Portuguese plots from 2004 to 2007
This database concerns stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production per tree obtained from 61 Portuguese permanent plots during three production periods (2004/05, 2005/06 and... -
Above-ground woody biomass and crown data for environmental plantings in Vict...
This dataset stores measurements from two field campaigns in 20 environmental plantings aged 4–35 years old in Australia where stem diameters, crown radii, and heights of... -
(Table 2) Characteristics of trees growing near Abisco Research Station in 19...
Number of trunks is the mean number of trunks based on all clusters. Basal area is the mean basal area based on all clusters. The mean diameter for all trees (= total) was... -
Dataset of rainfall partitioning in Eucalyptus plantations, in the temperate ...
The database summarizes 18 years of daily rainfall, throughfall and stemflow, measured in seven experimental plots, located in Eucalyptus plantations in the eastern and... -
Plot data of three primeval European beech forests in eastern Slovakia
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Biomass tree data base
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Biomass plot data base
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Coverage of trees in the Aguima Catchment, Benin
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Soil health indicators for Central Washington Orchards
The objective of this study was to initiate the steps to develop a soil assessment tool for irrigated orchard soils in Central Washington, United States including defining... -
Analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) during the wet season in a mangr...
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Analysis of carbon dioxide fluxes during the wet season in a mangrove forest ...
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