The application of INS to investigate the methanol-to-gasoline reaction over ...
We propose to use MERLIN to measure INS from commercial zeolite catalyst samples extracted from a reactor in which they have been exposed to dimethylether for different lengths... -
H+/Li+ exchange and Al/In substitutions in garnet-type Li ion conductors
In this work, we will examine the dopant site location, and Li distribution in cubic and In/Al doped La3Zr2Li7O12, which have been shown to display high Li ion conductivities... -
The structural phase transitions of Ammonia Borane, an invetigation of the dy...
Ammonia Borane (AB), NH3BH3, was first synthesised in the 1950s and has now become the focus of a world wide research program with regards to its potential as a hydrogen store.... -
The expoitation of the A, B, C spectral signatures of H-bonds.
Intermediate strength hydrogen bonds, H-bonds, are known to play a role in the reactions of surface bound species, especially on the widely used industrial substrate...