Density, biomass and diversity of the diatom community at Faro, Creek and Isl...
For benthic microalgae (microphytobenthos, MPB) community analyses, triplicates of small sediment cores (10 cm length, 3.6 cm diameter) were taken at the stations Faro, Creek... -
Raw modern diatom counts from a transect across Dronning Marie Dal saltmarsh,...
The dataset is raw diatom counts (minimum 250 count size) from a transect across a modern saltmarsh at the mouth of Dronning Marie Dal in south east Greenland (63.470N,... -
Raw fossil diatom counts of sediment core DMD-14-3 from Dronning Marie Dal sa...
The dataset is raw diatom counts (minimum 250 count size) from a sediment core taken from within high saltmarsh at the mouth of Dronning Marie Dal in south east Greenland... -
(Table V) Distribution of diatoms in samples from Heidemann Valley trench, An...
Abundance estimates as follows: - = no specimens or fragments observed, 1 = at least one specimen or fragment per slide, R = a few specimens or fragments per slide, F = numerous... -
(Table 2b) Relative abundance of diatoms (Chaetoceros spp. resting spore-free...
Slides were prepared in a beaker with a diameter of 10 cm and the area of the microscope field of view used during counting was 0.000356 cm. The Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp.... -
(Table 2a) Relative abundance of diatoms in sediment core MD03-2597
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 167-1020B sediments
DEPTH, sediment is given in mbsf. -
(Table 1) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 167-1018A sediments
DEPTH, sediment is given in mbsf. -
(Table T2) Diatom abundance in sediments of ODP Hole 186-1151C
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. The abundance is recorded out of a count of 200 values. -
(Table T1) Diatom abundance in sediments of ODP Hole 186-1150A
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. The abundance is recorded out of a count of 200 values. -
(Table T4) Reworked diatoms and sponge spicules in ODP Hole 188-1165B sediments
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: F = few, R = rare, X = present, - = absent. Abundance letter followed by 'r' = out of known biostratigraphic... -
(Table T3) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 188-1166A sediments
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, Tr = trace, - = not found. -
(Table T2) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 188-1165B sediments
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, Tr = trace, - = not found. Abundance letter followed by 'r' = out of... -
(Table T2) Diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 191-1179C
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate given as: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, X = present, - = not found, + = presence of silicoflagellate species. -
(Table A7) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR99-04-2PC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table A6) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR00-05-2PC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. <1 = present. -
(Table A5) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR97-04-1MUC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table A4) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 186-1150A
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. Sediment depth is given in mbsf. -
(Table A3) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR99-04-3
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. The first two samples of the core (0.053 and 0.103 mcd) are from pilot core. -
(Table A2) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR02-03-2
Total count of 200 specimens per sample.