Matter protocol pcapng traces from Thread and Wi-Fi testbeds
This dataset is the frequency histogram of latency components in Matter message exchanges when turning on or off a lightbulb: a) over Thread, b) over Wi-Fi. The physical action... -
(Table 1) Magnesium isotope composition of analyzed unlithified sediments of ...
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(Table 4) Mineral analyses from different DSDP holes in the Indian Ocean
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(Table 2) Bulk rock oxygen isotope ratios of ODP Site 209-1270
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(Table 2) Bulk rock oxygen isotope ratios of ODP Hole 209-1274A
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(Table 2) Bulk rock oxygen isotope ratios of ODP Hole 209-1268A
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(Table 1) Whole rock sulfur isotope and sulfur concentrations of rocks from O...
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(Table 1) Whole rock sulfur isotope and sulfur concentrations of rocks from O...
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(Table 1) Whole rock sulfur isotope and sulfur concentrations of rocks from O...
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(Table 1) Whole rock sulfur isotope and sulfur concentrations of rocks from O...
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(Table 1) Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic ratios of peridotites from OD...
For d18O of whole rock see Alt et al. (2007) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734326 -
(Table 1) Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic ratios of peridotites from OD...
For d18O of whole rock see Alt et al. (2007) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734293 -
(Table 1) Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic ratios of peridotites from OD...
For d18O of whole rock see Alt et al. (2007) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734292 -
(Table 1) Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic ratios of peridotites from OD...
For d18O of whole rock see Alt et al. (2007) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.734291 -
Mineralogy of surface samples from the East Pacific Ridge
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Mineralogy of core VA03/447K
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Mineralogy of core VA03/445K
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Mineralogy of core SO41_197
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(Table 2) Mineralogical composition of samples and site-specific temperatures...
= No bulk-rock data, only the matrix of a sediment clast was analysed. -
(Table S1) Globorotalia inflata 14C AMS ages and calibrated calendar year age...
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