Water geochemistry during sediment plume experiments with ROV during SONNE cr...
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Carbon monoxide stable isotope data from laboratory heating experiments and c...
Clumped isotope data of carbon monoxide (analyzed as CO oxidized to CO2) from laboratory heating experiments and collections of natural air samples from the campus of Stony... -
Total protease activity in larval Strongylocentrotus purpuratus during labora...
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson 1857) originally collected in November 2020 from La Jolla, USA (Lat: 32.842674; Long: -117.257767) were held in flow-through tanks which... -
Total protease activity in larval Strongylocentrotus purpuratus during labora...
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson 1857) originally collected in November 2020 from La Jolla, USA (Lat: 32.842674; Long: -117.257767) were held in flow-through tanks which... -
Burrowing activity of Mya arenaria under prolonged food limitation (starvation)
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Swimming activity of herring larvae, Clupea harengus L., under the combined e...
The swimming activity of Atlantic herring larvae, Clupea harengus L., was assessed on the last days of a laboratory-based study in Kristineberg (Sweden) in 2013. The direct... -
Experiment on occurrence of S-postures of Atlantic herring larvae (Clupea har...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2016) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Experimental data on olivine dissolution
In order to determine the dissolution kinetics of olivine in sea water, commercially available ultra-mafic sand (UMS, supplied by AdL Sand- und Wasserstrahltechnik) was... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and behavioural responses to predators in Medite...
Ocean acidification is expected to affect marine organisms in the near future. Furthermore, abrupt short-term fluctuations in seawater pCO2 characteristic of near-short coastal... -
Two years of data on Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) from Villum Research Stat...
Number concentration of ice nucleating particles N(INP) in the Arctic were derived from filter samples collected at Villum Research Station (VRS, Northern Greenland) during the... -
Sampling events from the Tara Pacific Expedition 2016-2018
The Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018) sampled coral ecosystems around 32 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and sampled the surface of oceanic waters at 249 locations, resulting in... -
Aerosol concentration and size distribution (25-685nm) measured with a scanni...
The Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018) sampled coral ecosystems around 32 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and sampled the surface of oceanic waters at 249 locations, resulting in... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth performance and survival of larval At...
In the coming decades, environmental change like warming and acidification will affect life in the ocean. While data on single stressor effects on fish are accumulating rapidly,... -
40Ar/39Ar ages from muscovite collected in the far western Nepal Himalaya: Ra...
This dataset contains the cooling age results of 3 individual 40Ar/39Ar analyses using muscovite extracted from bedrock samples collected from medium-high grade metamorphic... -
Results of H2-consumption experiments during METEOR cruise M64/2
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel primary productivity on Earth. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems... -
Appendix 1. Single-zircon Pb evaporation ages from the Djupkilsodden granitoi...
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Tab. 3: Pb-Pb analytical primary data
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(Table) Argon isotope ratios and argon ages of rocks obtained from the Cherno...
Structural-petrologic and isotopic-geochronologic data on magmatic, metamorphic, and metasomatic rocks from the Chernorud zone were used to reproduce the multistage history of... -
Vessel-mounted data acquisition system profil on POSEIDON cruise POS399/3
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Vessel-mounted data acquisition system profil on POSEIDON cruise POS399/2
DWD weather data: data interval ~ 10 secs, all values are averages over the last 60 seconds.