Data for: Electronic Moment Tensor Potentials include both electronic and vib...
Data for "Srinivasan, P., Demuriya, D., Grabowski, B. et al. Electronic Moment Tensor Potentials include both electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. npj Comput Mater 10,... -
Data for: Dynamically stabilized phases with full ab initio accuracy: Thermod...
Data for the publication, Dynamically stabilized phases with full ab initio accuracy: Thermodynamics of Ti, Zr, Hf with a focus on the hcp-bcc transition, Phys. Rev. B 108,... -
Replication Data for: Strong impact of spin fluctuations on the antiphase bou...
Data for the publication " Strong impact of spin fluctuations on the antiphase boundaries of weak itinerant ferromagnetic Ni3Al", Acta Materialia, 255, doi:... -
Data for: Thermodynamic properties on the homologous temperature scale from d...
Data for the publication Thermodynamic properties on the homologous temperature scale from direct upsampling: Understanding electron-vibration coupling and thermal vacancies in... -
Data for: High-accuracy thermodynamic properties to the melting point from ab...
Data for the publication High-accuracy thermodynamic properties to the melting point from ab initio calculations aided by machine-learning potentials, npj Comput. Mater., DOI:... -
Setup and Data for: 3D conjugate heat transfer simulation in a Berea sandston...
This Dataset contains the fluid and solid temperature fields used as reference in the Related Publication (doi:10.1007/s11242-021-01602-5). It results from a 3D conjugate heat... -
Data for: Electronic Moment Tensor Potentials include both electronic and vib...
Data for "Srinivasan, P., Demuriya, D., Grabowski, B. et al. Electronic Moment Tensor Potentials include both electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. npj Comput Mater 10,... -
Data for: Dynamically stabilized phases with full ab initio accuracy: Thermod...
Data for the publication, Dynamically stabilized phases with full ab initio accuracy: Thermodynamics of Ti, Zr, Hf with a focus on the hcp-bcc transition, Phys. Rev. B 108,... -
Replication Data for: Strong impact of spin fluctuations on the antiphase bou...
Data for the publication " Strong impact of spin fluctuations on the antiphase boundaries of weak itinerant ferromagnetic Ni3Al", Acta Materialia, 255, doi:... -
Data for: Thermodynamic properties on the homologous temperature scale from d...
Data for the publication Thermodynamic properties on the homologous temperature scale from direct upsampling: Understanding electron-vibration coupling and thermal vacancies in... -
Data for: High-accuracy thermodynamic properties to the melting point from ab...
Data for the publication High-accuracy thermodynamic properties to the melting point from ab initio calculations aided by machine-learning potentials, npj Comput. Mater., DOI:... -
Setup and Data for: 3D conjugate heat transfer simulation in a Berea sandston...
This Dataset contains the fluid and solid temperature fields used as reference in the Related Publication (doi:10.1007/s11242-021-01602-5). It results from a 3D conjugate heat... -
Large-scale simulations data near the supercooled liquid-liquid critical poin...
The data in this dataset represent simulations of supercooled water at the liquid-liquid critical point using the transferable molecular CVF model for water. The model is... -
Replication Data for: 'A transferable molecular model for accurate thermodyna...
This repository contains 1) Source code to run CVF water simulations 2) Scripts to produce input files and run the simulations 3) The necessary data to reproduce the figures... -
Prediction of quaternary alkali metal hydroxide - water mixture melting point...
Dataset associated with 'Development of molten salt–based processes through thermodynamic evaluation assisted by machine learning' Dataset production context : Molten... -
Thermodynamics and dielectric response of BaTiO₃ by data-driven modeling
Modeling ferroelectric materials from first principles is one of the successes of density-functional theory, and the driver of much development effort, requiring an accurate...