Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 09
Geïnterviewde no. 9 is in kampong Awai op het eilandje Fobiac geboren. Zijn vader is dorpsonderwijzer. Hij vertelt over zijn kindertijd en schoolleven. Op zijn vijftiende... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 07
Geïnterviewde no. 7 is geboren in 1942 in ‘Waar’ op het eiland Roon, als zoon van een dorpsonderwijzer. Hij vertelt over het leven in het dorp, de adat, de komst van het... -
Meningen over media 1975
Tv watching / sense of political efficacy / sense of local efficacy / exposure to news commentaries on the radio / political interest / opinion on leadership / political... -
Inventarisatie van problemen en behoeftes aan onderwijskundige informatie 1975
The use of audiovisual media / use of formative tests / number of 'contact hours' / experience with providing education and preparation / problems with lectures, course... -
Voedingsgewoonten en tandbederf bij de jeugd 1975
Formal influential opinions on hygiene of teeth to prevent caries / actions taken to improve condition of teeth of school children / giving advice / how to keep teeth in order /... -
Cognitieve stijl 1975
Cognitive style tested by means of letter matrix reproduction test and embedded figure test. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education -
Kijk- en luisteronderzoek, 1975
Continuous monitoring of radio and television audience and viewing behaviour / program preferences / exposure to radio / leisure activities / political interest and knowledge /... -
Mensen en hun media 1975
Reading of journals and newspapers: frequency, amount of time per day, way of reading / watching tv, listening to radio: frequency, amount of time per day, reasons / diary... -
Krisiscentra in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg 1975
Details on immediate cause and nature of contact / personal and medical history / termination of contact / for Amsterdam crisis centre also background clients. -
Structure of criterial referents of attitudes in the Netherlands 1975
Dutch part of a cross-cultural study by Kerlinger et al. on the nature and structure of social attitudes, the other parts being conducted in Spain and the United States.... -
Gastarbeid en welzijn 1975
Living situation / health / ( opinion on ) contacts with general practitioner / ( opinion on ) contacts with factory doctor / ( opinion on ) contacts with cross societies /... -
Facetanalyse van de beleving van gezin- en werkrollen 1975
Determination of differences in interpersonal role behaviour between man and woman in family situation and working situation. Relation husband and wife / husband and family /... -
Het plaatsen van jeugdigen in tehuizen 1975
Type of parents: natural parents, step-parents, adoptive parents, guardian / reason for absence of natural parent / which institutions are responsible for placing the child in a... -
Opbouwwerk in stedelijke situaties 1975
Social workers were asked about their goals and projects / activities / realization of goals / cooperation of other institutes. -
Inspraak bij de streekplan-ontwikkeling in de kop van Noord-Holland 1975
Part of the province of Noord-Holland, the development of a plan for this region / opinions on participation in general and in relation to the planning procedures / the expected... -
Krisistheorie en psychiatrische hulpverlening op een eerste hulppost 1975
Detailed background clients mental and physical condition / use of drugs / medication / suicidal tendencies / personal medical and psychiatric history / crisis situation /... -
Permanente registratie poliklinische abortus in Nederland 1975
Number of pregnancies / number of children / experience with abortion / birth-control / performance of operation / complications / birth-control advice. Background variables:... -
Meetbaar maken van coping behavior 1975
Leisure activities / health / job characteristics / physical and psychological stress / neuroticism / items from Amsterdam biographical questionnaire / reactions under stress /... -
Kabel tv Amsterdam 1975
Read leaflet on cable-tv / tv at home / radio at home with fm reception / reception of tv signals, radio / own aerial or collective / money spent last year on aerial / opinion... -
Project Ongekend Bijzonder, Rotterdam, interview 35
geslacht: Vrouw land van herkomst: Chili klasse in land van herkomst: n.b. leeftijd aankomst NL: 1 stad: Rotterdam vluchtreden: ouders kwamen als politiek vluchtelingen...