Historical light aids to navigation 1514-1911
This dataset for Historical Light Aids to Navigation (LAN) shows the development of historical lighthouses, lightships, harbour lights and beacons in England and Wales for... -
A public inconvenience: Better toilets for inclusive travel, a study investig...
Data collected by twelve co-researchers depicting their perspective on toilets across the country. The co-researchers took multiple photos and described their experience of... -
Food shopping in later life in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire 2014 - 2016
This research focused on food shopping in later life in urban, suburban and village settings in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. It comprises of 2 focus groups and 25 semi... -
Historical light aids to navigation 1514-1911
This dataset for Historical Light Aids to Navigation (LAN) shows the development of historical lighthouses, lightships, harbour lights and beacons in England and Wales for...