Wind-Topo is a statistical downscaling model for near surface wind fields especially suited for highly complex terrain. It is based on deep learning and was trained (calibrated)... -
Spatially explicit data to evaluate spatial planning outcomes in a coastal re...
The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper entitled “The role of spatial planning in land change: An assessment of urban planning and nature conservation... -
REMA topography and AntarcticaLC2000 for WRF
Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) topography and AntarcticaLC2000 landuse data are now available as static data input for the Weather Research and Forecasting model... -
High resolution static data for WRF over Switzerland
Static input data (topography, landuse and soiltype) for the WRF preprocessing system WPS is provided for Switzerland and its neighboring countries between 45-49 N and 4-12 E.... -
Dataset on Cosmo-1 based Energy Potential in Swiss Alps
This dataset consist of simulated hourly power production from an Enercon E82 Turbine at 100 m hub-height. It describes the hourly power output a 1MW turbine would produce in... -
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: Community Profiles, 2003-2006
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Wellbeing in Developing Countries is a series of studies which aim to develop a conceptual and... -
Atlas of Agriculture in England and Wales, c.1840
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The aim of this study was to produce a computer atlas of agriculture in England and Wales circa 1840.... -
Highland Region Grid Square Data, 1983-1984
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The purpose of these data is to establish a land classification system Main Topics: Variables Climate,... -
National Countryside Monitoring Scheme; Cumbria, 1945-1949, 1970-1976
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The objectives of the NCMS are to establish a standard technically robust system for providing... -
Land Characteristics Database, 1983
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. To provide contextual data for investigating the distribution of plant and animal species, and to... -
Woodlands in the Peak District, 1982-1984
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. To examine the effectiveness of planning interventions on the condition of woodland and encouraging... -
Historic Parishes of England and Wales : an Electronic Map of Boundaries befo...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This research project aimed to fill a major lacuna militating against the effective exploitation of many... -
Trans-national Database and Atlas of Saints' Cults, c.700-2000
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Trans-national Database and Atlas of Saints' Cults aims to establish a parish-by-parish,...