In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Towards the development of lithium manganese nitride as novel two stage regen...
In the last decades the production and consumption of reactive nitrogen increased exponentially due to the extensive utilisation of nitrogen containing compounds as fertilizers... -
Hydrogen from ammonia using lithium imide metal nitride composites
Light metal amides and imides are a new class of highly active ammonia decomposition catalysts. Indeed, composites of lithium imide and transition metal nitrides are likely to... -
Strain analysis of commensurate charge order/zener polaron ordering transitio...
High resolution powder diffraction data will be used to obtain lattice parameter and atomic coordinate variations as a function of temperature for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3, which has a... -
Structural Disorder in the Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate YbMgGaO4
Quantum spin liquids are novel magnetic states in which quantum entanglement suppresses conventional magnetic order. Understanding the effects that stabilise such states is an...