Magnetic ordering and crystal electric fields studies in the new cerium compo...
The compound CeRh2Al10 is a new member of the 1:2:10 stoichiometry series. Previously the three well-studied compounds CeT2Al10 (T=Fe, Ru, Os) were showed to be the first Kondo... -
Magnetoelastic coupling effect on multiferroic behaviors in different types o...
We propose to perform high resolution neutron diffraction on powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets Ag1-xCuxFe1-yGayO2 using HRPD. CuFe1-yGayO2 and AgFeO2 have... -
Single-crystal analysis of disorder in deuterated and protonated mirabilite
Mirabilite (Na2SO4.10H2O) is relevant to many areas of geology, planetary science, and even the construction industry. It occurs naturally in evaporite deposits, and even as... -
Probing the magnetic structure of transition metal pyrovanadates Co2V2O7
We had been given 1 day of beam time on WISH, RB1710144, to investigate the magnetic structure of T2V2O7 (T=Mn, Ni, Co) We performed power neutron diffraction measurements on... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of...