In-Situ Studies of Alternative Mobile-Ions for High-Temperature Thermal Batte...
Whilst rechargeable batteries continue to take over the consumer electronics market, they are unsuitable to replace specific battery technologies, such as the thermal battery,... -
Muon spin rotation studies in Ni-Mn-Sn based metamagnetic shape memory alloys...
Ni2Mn1+pZ1-p (Z= In, Sn, Sb and < p 1) based ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) with Heusler type structure are fascinating materials as far as the magneto-functional... -
The Structure of Ca- and Yb-ammonia Solutions: Polarons, Bipolarons and Elect...
In this experiment we propose to perform diffraction on isotopically substituted samples of Ca/Yb:ND/H3 and Ca/Yb:15ND3 at two concentrations (8 and 2 MPM) using the new NIMROD... -
Muon states in black phosphorus
Our recent experiment showed that muons implanted into black phosphorus (the most stable allotrope of the element, with a low band gap of 0.3eV) are apparently diamagnetic, with...