Studying the anomalous magnetic behaviour in Li3FeRuO5, Li3Ni2RuO6 and Li3NiRuO5
There is a lot of interest in Li based oxides that show potential to be used within cathode materials in batteries. However, in certain oxides, the addition of magnetic ions can... -
Muon Spin Resonance investigations on two quantum critical points in CeFeAs1-...
Recently, it has been reported that CeFeAsO belongs to orthorhombic structure where both Fe and Ce moments order antiferromagnetically around 140K and 4K, respectively, whereas... -
Muon Spin Relaxation Investigation of Mixed Cation Perovskite Solar Cell Mate...
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are a new generation of solar technology which has shown huge promise with regards to performance, but still suffers from several flaws preventing... -
The nature of excitations in a molecular Haldane system
It is well known that an S = 1 antiferromagnetic spin chain is predicted to have a quantum disordered ground state and a gap in its excitation spectrum. This so-called Haldane... -
A hidden spin liquid state in strongly correlated FeCrAs
In this continuation proposal we will conclude our muon study of FeCrAs, a recently re-examined material that displays many of the above characteristics, suggesting that it is a...