Quantum spin liquids in a frustrated spin chain
LiCuSbO4 is a new 1D S =1/2 frustrated chain compound. Chains with frustrated ferromagnetic J1 and antiferromagnetic J2 interactions are of significant interest due to the rich... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
One goal of our research into the nanoengineering of molecular magnets is a detailed understanding of the relationship between the structure and composition of a system and its... -
MuSR study on spin liquid candidate NaYbSe2 with triangular lattice
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a long-standing attractive topic in condensed matter physics due to its tight relation to exotic properties such as high temperature... -
An investigation of the superconducting ground state in the non-centrosymmetr...
In this proposal we propose to investigate the superconducting ground state of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Ru7B3. Controversy exists over the nature of the... -
Searching for unconventional superconductivity in non-centrosymmetric ternary...
The noncentrosymmetric half-Heusler semimetals RTBi (R=rare earth, T=Pt, Pd) have recently been proposed, according to electronic structure calculations, as plausible 3D... -
Spin dynamics in the S=1/2 zigzag spin chain magnets K2CuCl2SO4 and Na2CuCl2SO4
We have recently succeeded to synthesize pure-phase of K2CuCl2SO4 and Na2CuCl2SO4. In addition, we succeeded to grow the large single crystals (~ 10×10×10 mm3). K2CuCl2SO4 is a...