Spin dynamics of the zigzag pseudospin-1/2 quantum chain compound PrTiNbO6
One-dimensional (1D) S = 1/2 spin chains are a subject of long-standing interest, because conventional long-range ordering can be prevented and novel Luttinger-liquid phase may... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
One goal of our research into the nanoengineering of molecular magnets is a detailed understanding of the relationship between the structure and composition of a system and its... -
Spin-Luttinger Liquid phase in a model strong-rung quantum spin ladder
Spin ladders represent a class of low-dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of subtle behaviour which lies between the stark extremes of the one-dimensional chain or... -
The nature of excitations in a molecular Haldane system
It is well known that an S = 1 antiferromagnetic spin chain is predicted to have a quantum disordered ground state and a gap in its excitation spectrum. This so-called Haldane...