Source code to study intra-layer synchronization in multilayer chimera state ...
We here provide the MATLAB source codes [format (.m)] underlying the following manuscript: Andrzejak RG and Espinoso A (2023): Chimera states in multiplex networks:... -
Reliable detection of directional couplings using rank statistics [software]
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript: Chicharro D, Andrzejak RG (2009): Reliable detection of directional couplings using rank statistics. Physical... -
Source codes and workspaces: Chimeras confined in fractal boundaries in the c...
This page provides the MATLAB format (.m) and workspaces in MATLAB format (.mat) underlying the following manuscript. Andrzejak RG (2021): Chimeras confined by fractal... -
Generalized synchronization between chimera states [software]
This page provides the source code underlying the manuscript: Andrzejak RG, Ruzzene G, Malvestio I. 2017. Generalized synchronization between chimera states. Chaos. 27(5):... -
Robustness and versatility of a nonlinear interdependence method for directio...
This page provides the source code and results underlying the manuscript: Malvestio I, Kreuz T, Andrzejak RG. 2017. Robustness and versatility of a nonlinear interdependence... -
Data publication: Role of assortativity in predicting burst synchronization u...
Code for reproducing results of the paper "Role of assortativity in predicting burst synchronization using echo state network" -
(Since When) Are East and West German Business Cycles Synchronised? - replica...
We analyze whether, and since when, East and West German business cycles are synchronised. We investigate real GDP, unemployment rates and survey data as business cycle... -
Kuramoto Model on KKI18 connectome
Results of fourth-order Runge--Kutta integration of the first-order Kuramoto model in brain connectome graph. Awr.dat.gz : connectome graph Awri.dat.gz : connectome... -
Kuramoto Model on KKI18 connectome
Results of fourth-order Runge--Kutta integration of the first-order Kuramoto model in brain connectome graph. Awr.dat.gz : connectome graph Awri.dat.gz : connectome...