Molecular characterization of sulfur-containing compounds in solid-phase extr...
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Quantitative and qualitative DOM analysis of porewater and bottom water sampl...
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Relative abundances of PARAFAC components, 2D FDOM indices and other bulk, qu...
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(Supplement S7) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S6) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S5) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S4) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S3) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S2) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Supplement S1) Chemical characteristics of the assigned elemental formulas f...
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(Table 2) Summary of molecular composition of the dissolved organic matter
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(Table T3) Total carbon, sulphur and nitrogen concentrations of ODP Hole 186-...
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(Table 2) Composition nd atomic ratios of the proto-kerogen concentrates in O...
Sorg was obtained by subtracting pyritic S (calculated from Fe content assuming that Fe exclusively occurs as pyrite) from total S (measured by elemental analysis). Accordingly,... -
(Table 2) Organic carbon, sulphur and iron contents in sediments of the Oman ...
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(Table 7) Elemental atomic ratios for the bulk samples of ODP Leg 112
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(Table 2) Elemental analysis of kerogenes of ODP Leg 107 holes
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Dissolved organic matter composition in the Fennoscandian Shield deep terrest...
Copious amounts of organic carbon are stored for long periods of time in deep continental groundwaters. Little is known about its composition and cycling, mainly due to the...