Pokhodsk field data of freshwater communities and environmental data of polyg...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Reef calcium carbonate budget surveys in the years 2021-2022 in Miami-Dade Co...
This study focuses on revitalizing Florida's Coral Reef through active coral restoration, specifically utilizing high-density outplants of the endangered staghorn coral,... -
Macrofauna of a sublittoral benthic community off Independencia Bay in 2004, ...
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Macrofauna of a sublittoral benthic community off Independencia Bay in 2003, ...
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Macrofauna of a sublittoral benthic community off Independencia Bay in 2002, ...
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Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from DSDP Leg 29 ...
Manganese nodules, micronodules, and crusts were encountered in surface sediments, and at depth, in 6 of the 10 sites drilled during DSDP Leg 29 south of New Zealand and... -
Geochemistry and grain size analysis of sediments off Sechura Bay in January ...
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Annotated record of the detailed examination of a ferromanganese crust retriv...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
Videos of the giant anemone, Relicanthus daphneae, capturing prey (Rimicaris ...
Here we present the discovery of R. daphneae along the southern Central Indian Ridge, at the Rodriguez Triple Junction, and along the northern Southeast Indian Ridge within the... -
Frequency of algae along a transect at the island of Helgoland in 2005
A sublittoral transect (P3) in the North of Helgoland that had been investigated ~40 years earlier by Lüning (1970) was traversed again. Scuba dives were carried out between... -
Occurrence and cover of algae along a transect at the island of Helgoland in ...
A sublittoral transect (P3) in the North of Helgoland that had been investigated ~40 years earlier by Lüning (1970) was traversed again. Scuba dives were carried out between... -
Field experiments of Ostrea edulis larvae
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Hatchery experiments of Ostrea edulis larvae
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Laboratory/hatchery experiments of Ostrea edulis larvae
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Field data of a polygonal landscape near the WWF station Kytalyk at the Berel...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Overview of benthic community of Atka Bay and Ekstöm Ice Shelf (Supplement Ta...
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Characteristics of flotsam samples from Sargasso Sea
Clumps of pelagic Sargassum as well as floating marine debris were collected during cruise MSM41 of the German research vessel Maria S. Merian in the Sargasso Sea (subtropical... -
Coral reef characteristics at Upa-Upasina, Papua New-Guinea
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Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits in the Amundsen a...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other... -
Meiobenthic taxon counts from deep-sea in situ recolonization experiment II d...
Results derive from meiobenthic investigations of artificial sediments deployed in containers at the deep-sea floor. Meiobenthic densities of five size classes are given in...