Macrobenthic abundance, biomass, productivity and production during POLARSTER...
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Data of the Garchinger Heide: raw data traits
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(Table S3) Concentrations of PBDEs in Norwegian spring spawning and North Sea...
All concentrations are given per wet weight. -
(Table S2) Concentrations of non-dioxin-like PCBs in Norwegian spring spawnin...
All concentrations are given per wet weight. The non-dioxin-like PCB's are the sum of PCB-28, -52, -101, -138, -153 and -180 and -118. -
(Supplementary data Table EA-1) Plant biomass data from Cameroon
a: E = evergreen; A = annual; SD/E = semi-deciduous/evergreen; P = perennial; D = deciduous.b: d13C values corrected for Suess effect (Francey et al., 1999; Keeling et al.,... -
Geographic and morphometric data for 204 individuals of Lichenostomus melanop...
Morphological data was collected by Ian Smales and the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Team between 1984 and 1998. Contact Ian Smales (mailto:ismales@biosisresearch.com.au).... -
(Table S1) Concentrations of PCDD/Fs an in Norwegian spring spawning and Nort...
All concentrations are given per wet weight.