PFuji-Size dataset: photogrammetry-derived 3D point clouds of Fuji apples tre...
The PFuji-Size dataset [2] includes the 3D point clouds of 6 Fuji apple trees containing a total of 615 apples and an additional 25 apples scanned in laboratory conditions.... -
Exemple data for 2D image annotations onto 3D models
Imagery has become one of the main data sources for investigating seascape spatial patterns. This is particularly true in deep-sea environments, which are only accessible with... -
3D textured models of the along the Roseau Fault scarp between Les Saintes an...
3D terrain models with optical texture, captured by ROV VICTOR along the Roseau Fault Scarp (French Antilles) during the 2017 SUBSAINTES Cruise. These models (in .obj format),... -
Benthic assemblage and habitat dynamics monitored with photogrammetry reconst...
The Eiffel Tower hydrothermal edifice is a large structure of ~450 m2 located at a depth of 1700 m in the South-East of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field. Since the...