Archived data from Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database
The Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (NCSCD) is a geospatial database created for the purpose of quantifying storage of organic carbon in soils of the northern... -
Krycklans avrinningsområde
The Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) is one of the most ambitious projects which integrate water quality, hydrology and aquatic ecology in running waters in the boreal region. KCS... -
Koldioxidflöden från organiska jordar i Sverige 2012-2016
CO2 fluxes from a cultivated and a set-aside agricultural filed on organic soils in Harbo, Sweden, between 2012 and 2016, measured by eddy-covariance. For full details, see... -
Tensile properties of cement stabilized soils: experimental data
The data presented here encompass the experimental preparation and results of Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) tests on two Cement Stabilized Soils (CSS). Both materials were...