Algivorous Cercozoa shape the community composition of cryptogamic covers, th...
Soil algae are the most important primary producers where vascular plants are absent, as in the Arctic and Antarctica. They give rise to species-rich microbial food webs in... -
Soil carbon and nitrogen data from Arctic river deltas
This data set contains the data for 1,571 soil samples from Arctic river deltas including %organic carbon, %nitrogen, bulk density, water/ice content and calculated carbon and... -
Soil cores from Arctic river deltas
This data set provides a synthesis about available soil cores collected in Arctic river deltas. The data were compiled from already archived or published studies and includes... -
Raw trace element data obtained by LA-ICP-MS for analysed tephra across 751-7...
Raw Trace element data of analysed proximal samples from Iceland across the period 751-763 CE. Tephra (ash) samples were taken from a soil outcrop in Iceland [Atley, Iceland;... -
Raw major element oxide data obtained by EPMA for volcanic events analysed fr...
Raw major element oxide data for volcanic events analysed from two proximal sites from Iceland across the period 750-940 CE. Tephra (ash) samples were taken from soil outcrops...