Below-ground carbon stocks and soil properties in the central Lena River Delt...
Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils and other permafrost soils in the permafrost region. This dataset present... -
Air temperature, thaw depth and total organic carbon pools in the active laye...
The dataset comprises the thaw depth, the total organic carbon pools in the active layer measured at different thaw slump soils in the Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia in July 2019. -
Air temperature, thaw depth and total organic carbon pools in the active laye...
The dataset comprises the thaw depth, the total organic carbon pools in the active layer measured at different thaw slump soils in the Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia in July 2016. -
Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in the Lena River Delta
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Geochemical data for SOB14-A-21, a Lena Delta 1st terrace exposure
The Holocene delta deposit (1st terrace) exposure SOB14-A-21 (72.53671°N, 127.98945°E) was sampled on 17 August 2014 North of Sobo-Sise Island in the Lena Delta during the... -
Soil organic carbon, active layer depth and visible ground ice content for He...
This dataset contains soil pedon data collected in 2015 on Herschel Island (Qikiqtaruk; 69°34′N, 138°55′W), Beaufort Sea, Canada. Large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) are... -
Soil organic carbon storage and organic layer depth for the Stordalen catchme...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) stored in northern peatlands and permafrost-affected soils are key components in the global carbon cycle. This dataset provides SOC storage and organic...