Survival and sublethal effects of amphibians exposed to NaCl and brines from ...
We investigated the influence of brines and NaCl alone at commensurate concentrations on three larval amphibian species that occur in areas with energy-related brine... -
Morphology of larval northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) on last day of chr...
We investigated the influence of exposure to chronic salinity (NaCl) and mifepristone (a glucocorticoid antagonist) for 24 d on wet mass (g), dry mass (g; following freeze... -
Survival and mean corticosterone release rates of larval northern leopard fro...
We investigated the influence of corticosterone release rates on survival of larval Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) chronically exposed to four different concentrations of... -
Morphology and corticosterone release rates of larval northern leopard frogs ...
We investigated the influence of exposure to chronic salinity (NaCl) and mifepristone (a glucocorticoid antagonist) for 24 d on corticosterone release rates (baseline,...