Plankton community metabolism in Western Australia: estuarine, coastal and oc...
Here we present a total of 86 stations sampled in six different areas along the Western Australian Coast in the southeastern Indian Ocean. This dataset includes measurements of... -
Physicochemical data of porewater collected after incubations
The subterranean estuary (STE) has been recognised as a reactive biogeochemical zone at the groundwater–seawater interface in coastal areas. In this study, we collected... -
Combined in-situ and ex-situ measurements at a water depth of 5m from the Gui...
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Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations at 13 monitoring stations at the ...
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Size-fractionated chlorophyll and physico-chemical variables at three coastal...
Within the framework of the project “Sustaining Research Project, Marine Environmental Studies in the Arabian Gulf – Phase VI”, three coastal stations at Manifa, Khobar and... -
Spatial and temporal variability in physicochemical factors of the Western Ar...
Physicochemical data were collected in Saudi Arabian waters of the Arabian Gulf during summer 2017 and winter to early spring 2018. Temperature and salinity were measured in... -
Concentrations of total N, total P, and gases in an oxygen-deficient upwellin...
Seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruise Maz V (April 2019) on... -
Oceanographic variables and nutrient concentrations in an oxygen-deficient up...
Hydrographic data and seawater samples were collected in four stations along a cross-shore transect in front of the Port of Mazatlán (Mexico) during the oceanographic cruises... -
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in pore water in Unguja Island (Za...
We studied if functional traits related to resource preemption (light and inorganic nutrients) exert control on space preemption of tropical seagrass meadows. Additionally, we...