Individual lengths, sex and tissue samples obtained from adult and early life...
We provide here a curated set of data containing representative fish length measurements. The specimens were collected by a Macroplankton trawl (~36 m² mouth opening, non-graded... -
Adult and early life stages of fish collected, taxonomically identified and e...
We provide here a curated set of data containing fish catch weights and number of specimens taxonomically identified to lowest possible taxonomic level (species, genus, or... -
Current meter velocities form mooring AURORA1 recovered during RV POLARSTERN...
This dataset contains time series of current velocities in North-South and East-West components measured by four Aanderaa Doppler Current Meter RCM11 at different depths as part... -
Benthic Chamber Lander stable isotope tracer experiments in the Cabo Verde Ab...
A total of five deployments of a Benthic Chamber Lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic) at about 4200 m water depth. The deployments took... -
Ground temperature data of a tundra polygonal lake near the WWF station Kytal...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Raw and converted under-ice CTD data obtained during RV POLARSTERN expedition...
During RV Polarstern expedition PS131 to the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard in July – August 2022, we used two RBRconcerto3 handheld CTD probes (serial numbers 210909 and... -
Macroplankton and micronekton length/size frequencies from the Norwegian Sea ...
We provide here a curated set of data containing representative length/size measurements of key macroplankton and mesopelagic fish collected by a Macroplankton trawl (~6 m x 6 m... -
Raw data from 26 XCTD probes launched during the AO2018 (MOCCHA) expedition o...
26 XCTD probes were launched during the AO2018 (MOCCHA) cruise to the North Pole on the swedish icebreaker Oden (01 Aug - 22 Sep 2018). The raw data have been converted to ASCII... -
X-ray fluorescence data of core MD-3 in florida mangrove diebacks
Concentration (ppm) of some chemical elements in coastal sediments obtained along core MD-3, representing marine (e.g. Br, Ca, Cl, and Sr) and terrestrial (e.g. Fe, Ti, and Mn)... -
X-ray fluorescence data of core MD-1 in florida mangrove diebacks
Concentration (ppm) of some chemical elements in coastal sediments obtained along core MD-1, representing marine (e.g. Br, Ca, Cl, and Sr) and terrestrial (e.g. Fe, Ti, and Mn)... -
Macroplankton and micronekton trawl data from the Norwegian Sea 2019-2020
We provide here a curated set of data containing standardized catch biomasses and abundances of key macroplankton and mesopelagic fish taxonomically identified to species or... -
The BernClim plant phenological data set from the Canton of Bern (Switzerland...
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Mass normalised intensity of NRM and magnetic susceptibility of red palaeosol...
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Koenigsberger Q-Factor for RP and LTR2 samples (Fig. 9)
Q-factor after Koenigsberger Q= NRM/X*HQ= remanent / induced magnetisation -
Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
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Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
This dataset has no description
Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
This dataset has no description
Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
This dataset has no description
Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
This dataset has no description
Recent stress azimuth in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya measured by FEMR techniqu...
This dataset has no description