Sea ice-related diatoms of sediment core PS67/219-1
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Sea ice-related diatoms of sediment core PS118_63-1
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Environmental data from the (sub)Arctic
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Relative abundance of Amphimelissa setosa in surface sediments and environmen...
BEA: Beaufort Sea; BER: Bering Sea; CHU: Chukchi Sea; ECS: East China Sea; ESS: East Siberian Sea; GOA: Gulf of Alaska; GRE: Greenland Sea; ICE: Iceland Sea; NOR: Norwegian Sea;... -
Environmental context of all samples from the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-20...
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Sea ice cover recontrucion for sediment core SO136_111-12, LOG
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Sea ice cover recontrucion for sediment core SO136_111-12, CHORD MAT
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Sea surface temperature and sea ice cover recontrucion for sediment core TAN1...
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Sea surface temperature and sea ice cover recontrucion for sediment core TAN1...
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FRAM Remote Access Samplers: nutrient and associated sensor data
Here we provide dissolved inorganic nutrient data generated via the analysis of samples collected by autonomous instruments, in particular Remote Access Samplers (RAS) and... -
Multi-scale data on macrobenthic biodiversity and environmental variables alo...
Within the project The Changing Arctic Transpolar System (CATS) we compiled macrobenthic community data from previously conducted ship expeditions into the Arctic Ocean. These... -
Quantitative reconstruction of Holocene sea ice and sea surface temperature o...
Holocene oceanographic conditions in Disko Bay, West Greenland were reconstructed from high-resolution diatom records derived from two marine sediment cores. A modern dataset... -
Satellite derived sea-ice distributions from the West Antarctic continental s...
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Modelled sea-ice patterns and sea surface temperatures for the Antarctic cont...
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Winter sea ice concentrations derived from diatom transfer functions on sedim...
Via a transfer function, we reconstructed winter sea ice concentrations derived from diatom assemblages on sediment core PS69/274-1 from the western Amundsen Sea, Antarctica.... -
Highly branched isoprenoids and sterols in surface sedimentsfrom southern Dra...
Sea ice concentration data: satellite observations, DMSP satellite SSM/I passive microwave radiometer, downloaded from the National Snow and Ice Data Center NSIDC. -
(Table A.2) HBI biomarker concentrations and PI(III)P25 indices, and PI(III)P...
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Sea ice concentration during POLARSTERN cruise PS93.2
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Bulk sediment parameters during POLARSTERN cruise PS93.2
Values represent the mean of each centimetre of the top 5 cm of sediment cores. -
Initial state of sky conditions
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